Broken Hill, NSW


48 Oxide Street, Broken Hill, NSW Australia

Online Giving

If you decide to give your Tithes & Offerings to Impact Church, you can give 3 ways:

1. At one of our Sunday services (times and locations above) during the offering time

2. Via our 'Impact Church Australia' App - available on Google Play or the Apple Store

3. Online Transfer

BSB: 082 574

Acct: 70 382 2086

All other giving (to building, local & global community work etc) is given through the Heart of Impact giving program.

You can give 3 ways:

1. At one of our Sunday services (times and locations above) during the offering time

2. Via our 'Impact Church Australia' App - available on Google Play or the Apple Store

3. Online Transfer

BSB: 082 574

Acct: 83 789 3664

Please don't hesitate to contact our finance team with any questions via


Barossa, SA


Erina, NSW